Camping Information

Email for availability or to reserve your camping location.

Camping Reservations

Campsites are on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you wish to change your assigned campsite, you must first get authorization from the Bonifay Kiwanis Club Office prior to any changes.

Registration and a nonrefundable deposit are required to reserve a camping spot. To reserve, a 3-night minimum is required. There will be NO FREE camping on Kiwanis properties.

Weekend Rates for RV/Camp Sites

  • RV Hookups $250

    Power & Water

  • ALL OTHER Camp sites $100

    No power/no water provided

Rules and Regulations for Bonifay Kiwanis Club Rodeo Camping Areas

  1. No more than eight people may occupy a campsite. An adult is defined as a person eighteen years of age or older, a married person, or a member of the U.S. Armed Forces. A responsible adult must accompany children under eighteen.

  2. Only one camping rig is permitted at each campsite along with one vehicle. If you have extra vehicles or equipment, it will be necessary to rent and pay for an additional campsite. We regret any inconvenience this may cause.

  3. All campers must observe “quiet hours” from 11:30 PM until 6:00 AM.

  4. Alcoholic beverages, firearms, and fireworks are not permitted in the Bonifay Kiwanis Club Rodeo Camping Areas.

  5. Campsites are on a first-come, first-serve basis unless reserved in advance with the Bonifay Kiwanis Club Office. If you wish to change your assigned campsite, you must first get authorization from the Bonifay Kiwanis Club Office prior to any changes.

  6. Please help us keep the campground clean. Place all trash in the trashcans and dumpsters provided.

  7. Failure to comply with the above rules may result in you and/or your group being asked to vacate the camping area.